
About M.E. Rich, Author

“I am an Ohio gal that raised 4 wonderful children in Pa. I have always enjoyed working with children and creating a little extra sparkle in their hearts, whether at my yoga classes for children or simply within the pages of my prose.

“Writing for me is simply dancing on paper. The rhythm of inspiration guides the movement of the keys creating a little magic. For me, giving a thought to a child or a ‘always child at heart’ is a gift the blessing comes when you are able to make a difference in the lives of children all over the world with those same words.

“When I am not bringing a little extra sparkle to the hearts of children, I love to cook with fresh herbs, garden, dance, watch sunsets on the beach and dance to the beat of just about any song. I cherish time spent withmy beautiful grandchildren who I am so very thankful for: Vincent, Anton, Lydia, Maria, and Milania. I love the sunshine they bring to my days.”